Heart Renewal Ministries

“What is in our ‘heart’ matters more than anything else for who we become and what becomes of us.” (Willard, 2002, p. 16). The heart reflects our innermost being and essentially determines our character. Jesus declared that “out of the believer’s heart shall flow rivers of living water” (John 7:38) referring to the eternal wellspring of abundant life for those who follow Him (cf. John 10:10). We know that as Christ-followers our hearts have already been renewed through the power of the Holy Spirit who dwells within us. However, the question arises: how do we live into this reality on a personal level such that our character is progressively transformed into Christlikeness?
The mission of Heart Renewal Ministries is to accompany you in your desire to pursue deeper heart renewal into Christlikeness. To this end, we offer the following services:
• Individual spiritual direction;
• Group spiritual direction;
• Spiritual formation coaching;
• Retreats
• Workshops
Through the empowerment and guidance by the Holy Spirit, the overarching goal of these various services is to lead you into a deeper communion with the Triune God whose abundant love far exceeds our finite grasp and understanding.
Services are provided in-person at my office in Crown Point, IN or remotely via Zoom.
Willard, D. (2002). Renovation of the Heart. NavPress: Colorado Springs, CO, p. 16.