
Heart Renewal Ministries

What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction is a relationship between two persons in which one person accompanies another person in their personal experience of God and their relationship with Him. On a practical level, as your spiritual director I seek to listen attentively to the longings of your soul and to create a safe, sacred place in which together we discern the promptings and guidance of the Holy Spirit (the true spiritual director) through prayerful, contemplative silence. The goals of spiritual direction include:

• Awareness of God’s presence in everyday life;
• Transformation into Christlikeness through engagement in various spiritual practices;
• Growth in intimacy with God and pursuit of union with the divine.

Spiritual direction sessions are typically held once per month for one hour. In addition to one-to-one spiritual direction, Heart Renewal Ministries offers group spiritual direction in which a small group of 4-5 individuals meet together to provide spiritual direction for each other. Each person is given the opportunity, one at a time, to be the directee while the group responds prayerfully to whatever the directee chooses to share. Group spiritual direction sessions are typically held once per month for 1.5 hours either in-person or via Zoom.

It is important to note that spiritual direction is not oriented toward solving problems of everyday living or improving psychological/emotional functioning as is the case with pastoral counseling and psychotherapy. Rather than helping the individual adjust to cultural values and norms, spiritual direction encourages an awareness and understanding of what it means to dwell in the kingdom of God which is present here-and-now.